First Leaf Pile

Sam and Nathaniel experienced their first leaf pile this afternoon. Sam was quite amused from the start, but Nathaniel was very cautious and even downright upset about the whole thing. We'll have many more opportunities for playing in the leaves before winter comes!

At their 9 month appointment, the boys were measured, and here are the latest stats:

Sam = 28.75 in (75%), 21 lb, 13.8 oz (75%)
Nathaniel = 29.75 in (90%), 24 lb, 12.4 oz (95%)

They're growing in leaps and bounds, but now that they're mobile, we'll probably see their growth begin to slow down or plateau. That would mean relief for our joints, as we tote them up and down the stairs!

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A lot can happen in 276 days

Sam and Nate have waited patiently, they've watched the calendar, and the big day has finally arrived. While everyone around them was buzzing with anticipation over the election of a new president, they quietly turned 9 months old. So what has happened in the last 276 days? Let's hear from Sam and Nate:

"Well, we now prefer feeding ourselves to being fed. If we see something we want, we just go over and get it. We sleep through the night. We are more entertained by each other than by anyone else (except Dad). We can hold our own bottles (when we feel like it). Collectively, we weigh almost 50 pounds. We barely fit in 12 month clothes. We wear big boy shoes. We have teeth. We talk to each other using a language only we can interpret."

Thanks guys, that's a pretty impressive list. Gina and I are continually thankful that God put Sam and Nate in our family. They are more of a joy to us each day, and we can't wait to see what they can do in the coming months and years.

Grease is the word

Gina and I got to spend our first Halloween with the boys today. We went to the Lawn, where there were many, many kids, parents and Wahoos showing off their costumes and eating candy. Sam and Nate didn't get any candy this time, but they got lots of compliments for being the coolest kids on the Lawn. The stroller has been renamed Greased Lightnin' until further notice.

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Dedicating Sam and Nathaniel to the Lord

On Sunday, October 26th, we publicly dedicated Samuel and Nathaniel to the Lord, as part of our congregation's worship service. Joe, Katie, and Ella were able to join us, as was our good friend Flo.

At the end of the service, the church welcomed new members, and then Elder Don Brubaker called us to the front. He invited our home group and family members to stand with us. Curby shared a few words (and made everyone laugh, of course!), and I also spoke briefly. The boys desperately wanted the microphone, as you can see...

We were encouraged by Don's words, and our home group gathered around to pray over us as a family--thank you, Dawn, for leading us in prayer. Afterward, Don shared Scriptures that the Holy Spirit brought to mind for us: Psalm 112 and Psalm 113.

Eight months and more dapper than ever

Sam and Nate turned 8 months old yesterday, and as you can seen from the picture, they decided to change up the usual arrangement of the bears, blocks and balls. Our informal measurements (me holding them while on the bathroom scale) show that Sam is about 21.4 pounds, and Nate is a whopping 23.2. Gina and I have the sore back to prove it. Earlier this week, Same and Nate were practicing their best Rebel Without a Cause impersonations. 

"You ever been in a chickie-run?"
"I don't want any trouble."
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Lucky 7

On September 3, the boys reached the seven month milestone. So, how have things changed now that they are 7 months old? Well, they are consistently sleeping through the night, which is a huge blessing for Gina and me. They aren't quite crawling, but they worm around on their bellies and manage to get to just about anything they have in their sights. They can almost drink from a sippy cup, though they usually just chew on the spout. They can also pick up little snacks and put them in their mouths. Unfortunately for Nate, he doesn't have teeth yet so he ends up sucking on them. Sam can kind of chew, but it takes him awhile. The boys are also very happy because 7 is the number of their dad's all-time favorite football player, John Elway.

We celebrated with a trip to Mom's office in our new stroller/trailer. The sun was pretty bright that day, so we had to wear shades.

Sam successfully wedged himself in between the couch and the lounge chair.

And Nate was rockin' the cool hairdo, as always. I think I had that hairstyle in junior high.

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New Toys for Big Boys

One thing I have always wanted to get is a baby bike trailer. Even before I was married, I used to imagine how cool it would be carting my children all over town in a little weather-proof trailer that hooks to my bike. When my friend Mike got one for his twin girls a few years back, that sealed the deal. On a couple of occasions, I actually thought about buying one to keep in reserve for when I finally did have kids. There was even a space in our garage in Wyoming that I thought was perfect for storing a baby bike trailer.

Well, fast forward to 2008. Gina and I finally got a baby bike trailer for Sam and Nate! I researched this for weeks, and I'm pretty sure I drove Gina crazy trying to choose the perfect trailer. We settled on one that I think is pretty rad, and I'm sure Sam and Nate like it too. I set it up in the living room and wheeled it around the downstairs. Then today I took them for their first stroll--in the rain--to see how it works. They were snug and dry as a bone when we got home. Me? Basically soaked. The next step is to hook that bad boy up to my bike and cruise around Charlottesville, but we have to wait until they are a little older and have bike helmets. There will definitely be pictures, and maybe even video, of that momentous event.

Gina also found a pair of baby backpacks on Craigslist. I wasn't sure about this at first, but after lugging these 20 pounders to The Corner (about a mile walk) in a Baby Bjorn on Sunday, I gave her the green light. We only walked around the yard, but it seems very easy to use and not nearly as brutal on my back as that other contraption.

On a side note, one of our Baby Bjorns (which is a knock-off) has a built in fanny pack, and Gina tells me I look ultra-cool in a fanny pack. That's right ... I'm bringing sexy back!

Lone Star State of Mind

The boys are now in their sixth day of being in Texas, and I think they are having a pretty good time. They have already been to Roanoke, Garland, La Grange and Merit, and they still have a trip to Shreveport on the schedule. The flight over here was actually pretty brutal, so we are hoping the flight back will be much better. Here are a few pics of our adventures so far.


You read this right. Sam has cut two teeth already. Gina shrieked, "Curby, oh my gosh, get in here!" I thought she had dropped one of them on his head, or something, but what I found was even more surprising. One little tooth poking its way through the gum. Now there are two teeth, and I'm suddenly afraid to put my finger in Sam's mouth ... not that I did that very often before he had teeth. Isn't it funny that babies' ability to pick things up and put them in their mouths develops right around the same time they get teeth? God does have a sense of humor.

Big Boys

Last Thursday, the boys had their four month check up. We know they're getting big, but we didn't realize just how big they are! Both Samuel and Nathaniel are in the 85th percentile for weight, at 17 lb 4 oz and 17 lb 3 oz, respectively. (Yes, Sam has now surpassed his brother, after having been one pound less than him at birth!) Nathaniel is in the 90th percentile for height, at 26 1/4 inches. Sam is in the 85th percentile, at 26 1/8 inches. We thank the Lord for our strong, healthy boys.
They are still sleeping through the night and wake up refreshed and happy. We'll see how they do on their first real trip--we're going to Williamsburg on Wednesday, where we'll meet PaPa and GiGi and go to Busch Gardens. On Friday, we're going to Alexandria, where we'll all do a big family portrait with Joe, Katie, and Ella. Then on Saturday, we'll celebrate Ella's first birthday! We praise God for Ella's health and her adorable personality.

Not a creature was stirring, not even Nate

Yes, you read this correctly. Sam and Nate both slept through the night with no crying last night. We are not expecting this to continue forever, but it sure was nice. I actually woke up before them and finished my first cup of coffee before there were any stirrings. Gina and I both commented on how we both feel like ourselves ... sort of. I think a part of us--a large part--will never be the same, but I now have a much deeper understanding of the power of good sleep.