Raingutter Regatta 2015
Sam and Nate (well, mainly just Nate) celebrated their first full day of summer vacation by participating in the Raingutter Regatta 2015 with our Cub Scout pack. For this event, the boys build and decorate small catamarans using balsa wood, then they propel them down a raingutter filled with water using a drinking straw. These videos will give you a sense of how it works. Sam was not able to race his boat because he attended a birthday party (decisions, decisions), but one of the younger brothers was able to race it for him.
Nate got used to how the boats worked, and he took second place in our den. I think this is the first trophy he has won based on actual competition. He did pretty well in the all-pack race, but not enough get win a trophy. He was very happy with himself that he was able to beat some of the older kids.
I am proud of both boys for finishing their boats and showing such great sportsmanship. We look forward to doing this again next year (now that we know what to do).