Kindergarten Graduation
When Gina and I dropped the boys off for their first day of Kindergarten, we were full of questions. How would they do with a whole new group of new kids? Would they be able to understand what their teachers were saying ((Sam and Nate were enrolled in the Dual Language Kindergarten, in which the instruction was in Spanish for half the day))? Would they be able to keep up with the work in Kindergarten?
Well, Sam and Nate exceeded our expectations and had a wonderful year at Oakmont Elementary. They made good friends, did very well with meeting their academic benchmarks, and they actually learned quite a bit of Spanish. On June 5, we got to celebrate their successful conclusion of Kindergarten with a graduation celebration (video posted below). We are very proud of our rising first graders and can't wait to see how they learn and grow during the upcoming year.
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