Thanksgiving 2013
/For Thanksgiving this year we stayed close to home. We have traveled before for this holiday, but I really like spending the few days we get off for Thanksgiving close to the home front. There are so many people traveling this time of year, and the weather is almost always bad at some point on the trip. Besides, in a city like Dallas/Fort Worth, there is plenty to do and really no need to leave town. Here is a summary of some of the things we did.
I started the holiday off by running the Fort Worth Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. I had been wanting to do this for awhile, and this was the perfect opportunity since we were in town. The race started at 8:15, and it was a balmy 27 degrees when the race started. Unfortunately, I was not feeling that well because I had a tetanus shot the day before and I was achey and stiff. After a slow start, I was able to maintain a pretty good pace and finish in about 48 minutes. This is a far cry from my glory days of running, but under these conditions I'll take it. Just so you know, I am way, way, way back in the crowd in this photo. I stole it from the Google.
After the race, we headed north to Roanoke to spend the rest of the day at Tommy and Carol's house. It was a great time of food, family, and of course, football. I have probably written about this before, but Sam is becoming quite the football fan. In fact, he has gotten to where he likes to keep score on paper just to make sure the refs are doing their job correctly. We got to watch a lot of football that day, and it was great.
After the Thanksgiving celebration in Roanoke, I took the boys to the farm for a couple of days to hang out and do boy stuff. Gina was helping her mom with some things, so it was just the guys. Our activities included playing football in the huge front yard, driving the all-terrain golf cart (the boys even got to do some driving), watching more football, eat lots of cookies, exploring the woods in the back of the farm, going on a nighttime golf cart ride in the pasture, and eating at Tony's in Farmersville. The entire weekend was magical, and I did not want to come home. But, the semester was not over, the boys still had school, and we missed Gina.
Overall, our Thanksgiving was a humbling reminder of just how much we have to be thankful for. It was a wonderful time to spend it with the people we care about in the place we love. You can see more photos of our adventures in our photo album.