CSI: Christmas Scene Investigation

The tree is trimmed. The stockings are hung. The fancy towels are in the guest bathroom. Yes, it's that magical time of year when parents climb into the attic and pull down box after box of cherished, breakable mementos and set them out for little fingers to cover in ketchup residue. I am referring to none other than Christmas. Or is it X-mas? Or Holiday? Who can keep up? Well, it's Christmas in our house. Anyway, it is that special time of year when homes all across every sub-division in America cover their house in lights, send Christmas cards to all of the people on their wedding invitation list and set out that most sacred of table decorations: The Nativity Set. Or as it's called in our house: Hebrew action figures. I know the infant Jesus has more than a few likable characteristics, but from the moment the Nativity set is removed from the box, he is all the boys want to play with. Joseph is always in the barn keeping his post, and Mary has never - not once - turned up missing. But there is something about that baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger that must scream, "Encase me in legos and throw me in the bottom of the toy box!" Like that one time, when ... Well, you know, some things are just easier to explain with pictures ...

From our house to yours, Merry Christmas, and may all of your adventures begin and end with Jesus as the hero.

You can see the pictures up closes here: http://prezi.com/epettptxdxkc/christmas-in-pictures/