Racing Stripes
No, this is not a metaphor or some random line from a song. I actually gave Sam racing stripes on accident. On Sunday, as we were getting ready for church, Gina and I decided to have a Groom-0-Rama with the boys. This included a haircut (administered by me), finger and toenail trimming, nose clearing and a bath. In an attempt to save some time, I piloted the "ear fade" attachments on the clippers. There is one each for the right and left side. Well, I quickly found out that there is a technique to using these, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve racing stripes. After it happened, I tried to use different attachments to fade them in, but with no luck. So, Sam gets to be Lightening McQueen for a few days. The stripes weren't that visible to start with, and they are barely noticeable now. And now I know it's better to take my time when cutting the boys' hair than to attempt short cuts (no pun intended). Now that the dust has settled, their haircuts actually look pretty good.