Are you sure I'm in Virginia?
My license plate says Virginia, my driver's license says Virginia and I think I'm enrolled at the University of Virginia, but the weather we are having here sure feels like Wyoming. Last week the cold weather rolled in and brought us some snow, and it hasn't warmed up since then. We have had snow twice in one week, and it has made our backyard into a mud bog. Sydney is in bliss with all the mud to romp around in, and I think she gets extra joy from making me clean off her paws before she's allowed back in the house.
Other than the cold weather, things are going well for us. We have finished our classes and are just trying to get final projects done before the semester is over this Friday. My parents arrive on Thursday, and we are looking forward to seeing them and relaxing for a little while. We just have a lot of work to do before then.
I'm sorry there isn't more to share right now. I guess our lives have been pretty boring since we have been working so hard on our school work. There will be plenty to share next week. Check back in!